Jobs for Nature
Mahi Mo Te Taiao
Kia hoki mai te ketekete a Ngā manu ki ngā Ngāherehere o Ngāti Hine The return of birdsong to our ngāhere is the key driver behind our ‘pest control’ work. ‘Mahi mō te Taiao - Jobs for Nature’ has been funded over a three year period from the Crown via the Department of Conservation (DOC). to undertake extensive pest control operations within the Trust’s forest estate. This programme of work started in early 2022 in conjunction with ngā kaitiaki o Nga Tirairaka o Ngāti Hine. We now have several full-time kaimahi employed by the Trust to undertake pest control operations and broader conservation mahi within the forestry estate.
Kia hoki mai te ketekete a ngā manu ki ngā ngāherehere o Ngāti Hine kaupapa supports biodiversity protection to enhance the mauri of the whenua and create biodiversity areas. This is done through pest control and restoration planting to plant propagation, skill building and education.