About Us
E mihi atu ana ki a Papatūānuku, ki a Papatūārangi, te papa i takatakahia e ngā mātua tūpuna, te papa i waihotia e rātou mā, te papa e māroro ki te itinga, e māroro ki te opunga, te Papa-awhi, e awhi ana i a tātou, o tēnā, o tēnā, o tēnā o ngā whakatupuranga e tupu ake nei. Te Ūkaipō, Te Ūkaipō o tātou katoa.

Purchase of a fifth Kiwifruit orchard (Pukerau) in Kerikeri Cultivar conversion of Te Ara Kopeka kiwifruit orchard from Hayward Green to SunGold G3 Eleven houses in Moerewa and Kawakawa were sold.
209 hectares of manuka planted 20 forestry trainees achieved a NZQA Level 2 Forestry Qualification with 18 going into full time employment and the two-remaining engaged in further training.
Variation to Ngā Whenua Rāhui Kawenata enabling “fencing” monies to be utilised for the protection of ‘flora and fauna’.
753.9 hectares of pines planted within Forest Right with the Crown 2020 Cultivar conversions of both Te Tara Kowhai and Paparata to SunGold G3 Ten houses in Kaikohe were sold 210 hectares of manuka planted 16 forestry trainees achieved a NZQA Level 2 Forestry Qualification, the remainder already having qualifications with all 19 going into full time employment Grants were made to Ngati Hine Marae 650 hectares of pines planted within Forest Right with the Crown Purchase of the sixth orchard (Ahikiwi) in Kerikeri
Forest Right signed with Crown for a second and third pine rotations.
Contract entered into with Crown to plant up to 495 ha of manuka and to provide forestry industry training over a two year period Tree planting ceremony "Te Herenga Rua i Pukeatua" on 31 May 2018.
Appointment of new Tumu Whakarae - CEO Hūhana Lyndon 189.8 hectares of pine planted within Forest Right with Crown.
Negotiations with Taumata Plantation Limited regarding roading compensation concluded and variation of lease signed Expansion of Manuka honey business 105 hectares of 2R pine planted 10 hectares of Manuka planted Nutraceutical business Joint Ventrure established Kiwifruit Debt to Westpac fully repaid.
Detailed land utilisation mapping of the forest estate completed Special General Meeting held for beneficial owners in August 2017.
Stumpage Sale of the Ruatangata Forest crop to Aubade NZ was transacted.
All of the Trust's debts to Housing NZ were repaid. A pilot trial of planting manuka was undertaken. The Trust's manuka honey business was reviewed. Harvesting and replanting of the Matawaia Forest continued.
Work undertaken on future land use options for Trust's forest estate. Discussions held with Taumata Plantation Limited regarding roading compensation liability.
The Paparata Kaupapa was advanced with research and analysis of the forest land being undertaken. Harvesting of Matawaia continued and the planting of a second rotation pine crop within this forest was commenced. Negotiations with Taumata Plantation Limited to remove the Ruatangata Forest from the lease to Taumata Plantation Limited was successfully concluded.
Negotiations with Housing New Zealand to restructure the housing portfolio loans with a more acceptable repayment regime were successfully concluded. A Harvesting and Marketing Agreement was entered into with Northland Forest Managers (1995) Limited to manage the harvesting of the Ruatangata Forest.
Kaiwae Harvesting Ltd the KFIL JV partnership harvesting company was terminated on 31 October 2014.
Ahuareka Orchard was converted from Hort16 A to Gold 3.
Change in strategic direction from a passive management regime to a more active hands on approach and to move away from the current mono-culture pine forestry model to an alternative land use model (the Paparata Kaupapa) that is based on native plants and trees. In November 2013 the Trust entered into a JV partnership with Kiwi Forestry International Ltd (KFIL) with respect harvesting of the first rotation and planting of a second rotation of the Matawaia forest area.
Harvesting of the Matawaia Forest commenced on the 18th December 2013. Negotiations with Taumata Plantation Limited and Housing New Zealand Corporation with respect of gaining 100% control and ownership of the pine forest crop on the Ruatangata Forest were undertaken.
A trial manuka honey JV was successfully undertaken which resulted in two manuka honey joint ventures being established. Te Tara Kowhai kiwifruit orchard was converted to a Turners and Growers A19 cultivar. The Māori Land Court Section 231 review of the Trust was concluded.
The Maori Land Court approved a new Trust Order for the Trust on the 22nd March 2013. The Maori Land Court undertook a review of the Trust in terms of Section 231 of Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 and a hearing with respect to this matter was held on the 22nd March 2013.
Decision still pending at time of writing. The lessee TPL 4 harvested 140,435 tonnes from the forest and to date the lessee has surrendered 1,107.6 hectares back to the Trust. A joint venture partnership was formed with Kiwi Forestry International Ltd with respect of the harvesting and marketing of the TFL Matawaia Forest and to undertake a second rotation pinus radiata of this forest. Considerable work and due diligence was commenced with the aim for the Trust to become involved directly within the manuka honey industry.
The Trustees undertook a review of the Trust Order with a new proposed Trust Order being presented to the beneficial owners at both the 2011 Special General Meeting and at the 2011 AGM.
The review of the Trust and the approval of a new Trust Order are still processes which are still progressing through the Maori Land Court.
The Trustees reviewed the Trust’s Strategic Plan and reaffirmed their objective to move from the “passive” investment of the Trust’s assets and in to an “active” management regime.
The Trustees appointed a new Chief Executive Officer Jonathan Rishworth to lead the implementation of the Trust’s strategic objectives. The new CEO replaces the Trust Manager role which had been filled for many years by Michael Corrigan. Second rotation planting was carried out during the 2012 winter with a further 287.1 hectares established in radiata pine.
The Trust completed the building of the ten homes (eight two bedroom and two four bedroom) in Kaikohe in December 2010 and all of these have been leased to Housing New Zealand Corporation for fifteen years.
The Housing New Zealand Corporation Rural Housing Programme which the Trust had been involved with for some eight years was terminated by the Government on the 31st December 2010.
The Trust’s four kiwifruit orchards continued to perform well. PSA (Pseudomonas syringae pv.actinidiae) was discovered in November 2010 in the Bay of Plenty.
The Trust sold all of these New Zealand Units (NZUs) for $2,062,349.00. A further allocation of 168,868 NZUs is to be made to the Trust in 2013.
The kiwifruit orchards Westpac mortgage was further reduced by $1 million.
The lessee Taumata Plantation Limited via their New Zealand agent Hancock Management Limited has continued to harvest the forest on both sides of the forest on Ngapipito Road with some 472 hectares of plantation forest land formally surrendered back to the Trust as of the 1st April 2011, and as at the 30th June 2011 the lessee had returned 581.7 hectares on land which includes reserves and non-plantation areas.
As a consequence of the Emissions Trading Scheme and the inability to find at this time a second rotation joint venture partner or a new lessee the Trust was faced with the requirement to fund itself the re-establishment of a commercial forest.
During the early part of the 2011 winter some 353.3 hectares were re planted in pinus radiata and a further 109.5 hectares (harvested in 2009) were released sprayed. The cost of this was $445,808.00 and was funded from the proceeds from the sale of the New Zealand Units.
A “first tree” planting ceremony was held on the 4th May 2011.
The Trust continued its involvement with a Joint Venture partner (Harvest Pro) operating one harvesting crew (Kaiwae Harvesting Ltd) within the Trust’s forest.
The Trustees commenced a process to review the Trust Order. As a consequence of a Maori Land Court hearing with respect of a challenge to the outcomes of the 2010 Annual General Meeting election process by Marie Tautari the Court on 19th May 2011 instructed the Trust to apply to the Court for a review of the Trust under Section 231 of the Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993. 2012
Harvesting continuing at an increased pace with 180.5 hectares of harvested forest land having been surrendered by the lessee to the Trust to date.
Planning and deliberations with respect of a second rotation continued. The Emissions Trading Scheme was finalised by the Government in late 2009.
The building of ten new homes in Kaikohe commenced in the later part of the year. These will be leased to Housing New Zealand Corporation for 15 years.
A Zespri Gold 9 license was acquired for 0.5 hectare being an initial start to converting the green kiwifruit on the Rangitane orchard.
A review of the Strategic Plan was commenced which included a two-day Trustees hui at Motatau Marae with an invited owner presentation.
An Information Hui for owners was held in May 2010.
To date PSA has not been identified above Auckland. In December 2010 the Trust received its initial allocation of 104,972 New Zealand Units (NZUs) for the 4,564 hectares of the Trust’s pre 1990 exotic forest.
The Trustees completed their review of the Trust’s Strategic Plan 2010 – 2025 and a revised plan was approved on the 9th October 2010.
Harvesting commenced with the first tree felled at a special ceremony on the 10th March 2009 on Te Ara Road, Ngapipito Road, an area planted in 1983.
Ongoing investigations with respect to a second rotation and lobbying of Government with respect of the impact on the Trust of the Emissions Trading Scheme.
Negotiations to extend housing portfolio with new homes in Kaikohe advanced.
Further capital work on kiwifruit orchards undertaken.
Information Sharing Hui with owners held in May 2009.
The restructuring of the Taitokerau Forests Limited debt to the Crown was completed in late 2009
Ongoing capital improvements to Kiwifruit orchards. Conversion of 3.2 hectares of green to gold kiwifruit on Ahuareka Orchard.
Action underway to extend the social housing portfolio utilising a second Housing New Zealand Cooperation loan facility.
Māori Land Court and High Court proceedings instigated against Hirini Manihera, Patrick Brown and Waiomio Downs Logging Limited to stop their illegal logging on Trust lands.
Ongoing negotiations with various forest parties for a second rotation.
Purchased further Zespri shares bringing total shareholding in Zespri to 58,332 shares.
Negotiation with Housing New Zealand Cooperation for further funding to extend social housing portfolio.
Purchased 3.2 hectares of gold kiwifruit license to convert green to gold on Ahuareka Orchard.
Negotiations with Taumata Plantation Limited and other parties with respect to a second forest rotation.
Purchased a fourth kiwifruit orchard (Ahuareka) in Kerikeri. Trust now owns a total freehold area of 35.75 ha with a canopy area in kiwifruit of 23.91 ha plus one house.
Purchased and renovated eleven homes in Kawakawa & Moerewa for social housing utilising Housing New Zealand Cooperation funding. Social Housing Coordinator appointed to deliver social housing services funded jointly by Housing New Zealand Cooperation and Ministry of Social Development. Capital improvements made to Kiwifruit orchards.
Taumata Plantations Limited purchases the Carter Holt Harvey lessees' interest in Ngatihine H2B and Hancock Forest Management NZ Ltd becomes the forest managers.
Review of Forest Rent increases rent to $400,400 pa.
Purchased Zespri shares.
Housing New Zealand Cooperation loan agreement entered into to establish social housing portfolio.
Iwi Housing Manager appointed to deliver Housing New Zealand Cooperation, Rural Housing Programme from Trust’s Moerewa Office.
Trust established an administrative office in Whangarei & appoints an administrative manager.
Three kiwifruit orchards in Kerikeri purchased.
Ongoing negotiations with Housing New Zealand Cooperation with regard establishment of a social housing portfolio.
Cash reserves increase to $1.3 million.
Trust moves to diversify its assets.
A substantial housing application to Housing New Zealand Cooperation is made.
Trustees also propose to purchase non-forest investment properties.
Trust runs a further two forestry training courses in Moerewa. 4
Changes to the Trust order made to separate the corpus lands from investments.
Cash reserves rise to $1,114,000.
Trustees investigate alternative investments including additional land purchase & a housing project.
Trust runs two forest training courses in Moerewa with Work and Income New Zealand & Northland Polytech.
Charitable Trust makes grants totaling $93,000.
Trust Cash reserves rise to $1,010,000.
Trustees focus on investment and strategic planning matters. History project implemented. Charitable Trust makes education, elderly, Marae & special grants of $113,354.
Cash reserves rise to $860,200. Sale of 5,563 Trust-owned shares in Ngatihine H2B to Murray Ward.
Trustees actively involved with various Carter Holt Harvey Hui.
Charitable Trust makes first tertiary education, Marae & special needs grants (total $72,500).
Name of Trust changed from Ngatihine Trust to “Ngati-Hine Forestry Trust”.
Māori Land Court closes three roads and vests these in the Trust.
Ngā Whenua Rāhui application successful.
Negotiations with Carter Holt Harvey over closed roads etc. Taitokerau Forests Limited paid for further silviculture at Matawaia.
Ngā Whenua Rāhui Application injuncted.
Taitokerau Forests Limited successfully re-negotiates with Crown & produce a new package for owners. This is accepted by the Trustees.
Taitokerau Forests Limited completes silviculture at Matawaia.
Tamati Paraone appointed as an honorary Trustee.
Debt with Westpac repaid and Trust is essentially debt free.
Trust resolves outstanding closed roads and other land issues with Carter Holt Harvey for $60,400. Taitokerau Forests Limited pays $134,600 to the Trust for the Taitokerau Forests Limited forest right variation but held in trust pending completion of legal matters.
Injunction against completing the Ngā Whenua Rāhui grant is lifted, but Ngā Whenua Rāhui payment still delayed.
Carter Holt Harvey annual rent increases to $343,000. Ngā Whenua Rāhui pays out $250,000 plus $78,000 (held in trust) for fencing.
Charitable trust and native timber policy proposed. History project initiated and current ownership schedules, addresses etc completed.
Trust has substantial tax paid cash surplus and investigates alternate investment options. 1999.
The Trust founded and funds the Ngati-Hine Charitable Trust to address social and cultural obligations.
The trust finally receives proceeds from the Taitokerau Forests Limited restructuring grant. Cash reserves rise to $753,849.
Early forest development costs from Motatau 1C9B1 are recovered. Native timber policy (i.e., no more commercial extractions) adopted.
National Government elected.
National Government stopped funding Taitokerau Forests Limited and charged high interest rates. The government called up the Ngati-Hine Trust mortgage on the land.
Trustees subsequently refinanced with Westpac.
Taitokerau Forests Limited sought alternative funding sources.
Carter Holt Harvey's annual rental increased to $189,000.
Taitokerau Forests Limited proposed a Company float and a Forest Right Variation. This failed to eventuate, and the variation lapsed. Trustees make an application to the Ngā Whenua Rāhui Fund.
Māori Land Court increases the number of Trustees to nine.
Maori Trustee appointed as Trustee with 5 advisory Trustees.
Lease to Carter Holt Harvey of approx. 85% of land. (1 rotation, 7% annual rental & 9% of stumpage from a sawlog regime). Initial annual rental of $80,580.
Owners retained 555 ha at Matawaia to develop into forestry. Funded by Temporary Employment Scheme, Property Employment Scheme, Forest Encouragement Grant, loan moneys, tax incentives & rental from Carter Holt Harvey lease.
Trust borrowed $550,000 at low interest rates from MLB to fund part of the Matawaia Forest Development, fencing, survey, purchase of Crown shares & the purchase of extra land.
Labour Government elected. Labour Government stopped Forest Encouragement Grant, Property, Employment Scheme & tax incentives.
Interest rates & costs started to rise.
Costs of forest development rising
Eight owners selected Trustees to replace the Maori Trustee.
Taitokerau Forests Limited created to fund & develop forestry on Maori land. Financed initially at $1.0 million per annum for 10 years. Ngatihine becomes a shareholder in Taitokerau Forests Limited. Taitokerau Forests Limited took over the development of Matawaia and paid an annual rental. Interest rates continued to rise.
Carter Holt Harvey annual rental increased to $97,376.
1987 to 1990
Dispute with Carter Holt Harvey over the interpretation of management objectives in the lease. Settled with the creation of Trustees forest area (474.5 ha of which the Trust receives 100 % of proceeds at harvest).
1968 to 1972
Rates arrears with potential loss of land.
Amalgamation meetings (72 blocks).
Creation of Trust by Maori Land Court with seven Trustees.
1975 to 1980
Investigation of Forestry.
A lease with CHH is proposed.
Prolonged disputes amongst owners & Trustees.
Lease does not proceed.
Covid-19 pandemic impacts world
New Interim CEO Guy Holroyd begins
Hūhana Lyndon (CEO) departed the Trust to take up a new role as CEO at Ngati Wai. Guy Holroyd was appointed as the new CEO
He Ringa Ahuwhenua, He Hanga Mahi – Indigenous Forestry Strategy Development Project started as the trust is shifting from dominant pine trees to a mosaic quilt or te kuira approach, seeing more indigenous trees being planted. September 2021.
The lease between Taumata Plantation Limited and Ngāti Hine Forestry Trust ended.
Te Tara Kowhai, Te Ara Kopeka and Paparata remain in their development period (converted to Sungold G3) with only partial crops being harvested in the 2021- 2022 year. 2022 2023
Ian McLelland retired from his position as Office Manager at Ngāti Hine Forestry Trust, concluding nearly 20 years of dedicated service.
Te Pae Tata – A farm at 42 Taikirau Road, Maromaku, – 478.8336 hectares, was purchased on the 1st of June 2022.
This whenua returning to Ngati Hine is a landmark acquisition for the Trust. The whenua will be cared for as an “environmental showcase” and will serve as the Trust’s innovation hub for the start-up of new businesses, creation of jobs and progression of environmental initiatives consistent with “He Kuira” The farm has a dairy platform milking approx.170 cows and the Trust has established approx. 113 hectares of pine plantation as part of a “carbon farming” strategy . Project is underway to protect waterways on the farm. Listed as top 18 significant waterways in Aotearoa Community planting day took place in September at Pukenehunehu as part of He Ringa Ahuwhenua, He Hanga Mahi project Native Species Nursery project underway on the farm.
Management team was expanded with the employment of Prinni Livingstone, Sean Leybourn, Jack Vallings and Josh Witehira were employed.
A hive placement agreement was entered into with Manuka Health to place hives on Ngāti Hine land for the 2022 manuka season.
Forestry silviculture team established under Josh Witehira’s supervision, with Jovan Tipene, Kalem Jones, Hohepa Livingstone, Joshua Haenga and Jacob Marsh.
Contract work for forestry team secured through PF Olsen in the Trust’s forestry blocks
Beehive placement agreement with Manuka Health renewed for 2 years on a profit share basis
Trust establishes its own honey operation, managed in-house by Sean Laybourn. Agreement entered into with Seeka to provide pollination on the Trust’s orchards (approximately 400 beehives)
Heidi Mackey a direct descendant of one of the original shareholders, Rina Hoterene, has assumed the position as the interim CEO for Ngāti Hine Forestry Trust.
He Ringa Ahu Whenua, He Hanga Mahi held a hui at Matawaia Marae in March to discuss with Whanau-Shareholders the strategy of returning some areas back to rakau taketake.
Te Pae Tata Farm Nursery project was built at Te Pae Tata to complement He Ringa Ahu Whenua He Hanga Mahi project. Seeds have been sourced from the native trees in Ngāti Hine H2B block.

Ngāti Hine Forestry Trust (Trust) is a large and rapidly expanding Trust. The Trust whenua and estate is approximately 6,000 hectares centred alongside the towns of Moerewa and Kawakawa.
The Trust has over 5,500 registered beneficiaries (beneficial owners) represented at present by seven trustees who govern the Trust under the authority of a Trust Order pursuant to Section 244 of Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993.
The Trust has substantial interests in forest leases and owns horticultural orchards in the Kerikeri area with 32ha of Zespri G3 Gold kiwifruit.
Wealth creation through these and other interests has seen the Trust portfolios and assets grow in value over time, from $500,000 in 1980 to a multi million dollar Trust today.The Trust continues to diversify its interests with a kaupapa Māori approach that considers not only commercial interests but extends to environmental, cultural, economic and social interests. The Trust is active in the preservation and enhancement of its estate and has also been involved with training programmes within the Ngāti Hine rohe. The Trust is taking a significant step towards the restoration and innovation of an indigenous forestry future over the coming decades and centuries. NHFT has offices in Whangarei and Moerewa.